St. James

Newsletter - June 2016

  Monthly News Letter: Review of June 2016

Hopefully this will be the first of many regular monthly newsletters about club activity – with our club now at 31 members in three counties we thought it would be great to have an informal vehicle to keep everyone up to date with club activities and member achievements. Please be patient – the first few will no doubt miss some stuff: but it will get better with practice.


Please send news snippets (pony club activities, show results, general newsy stuff – for example new horses or ponies, cool experiences, help needed or stuff for sale) and I will do my best to include! Pictures are always fun – Jpegs work best. IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PONY CLUBBER TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER please send me their email if not already on the distribution list.


July Calendar

  • 5th July General Instruction St James Pony Club at Resurrection Ranch starting 6.00 pm. Let Mary Kolzow know if you want to attend!
  • 7th – 10th July NCPR D Camp and D/C Rally at FVSA
  • 18th – 21st July Heartland/NCPR C/B Camp at the Hoosier Horse Park.
  • 27th – 31st July Championships East


Save the Dates (August)!!

  • August 2nd General Instruction St James Pony Club at Resurrection Ranch starting 6.00 pm. Let Mary Kolzow know if you want to attend!
  • August 5th – 11th Championships Central
  • August 13th St James OLYMPIC BBQ!! @ Syd Cournaya’ house – details to follow!
  • August 20th or 21st (TBC) St James Cross Country Clinic @ Versailles Equestrian – details to follow!


Certification Recognition

VERY successful certification June 12th resulted in lots of passes: Mellissa – C1 Eventing, Emma L D3 Eventing, Olivia D3 HM, Ellie and Andrea D2 Eventing, Emma A C2 HM. Congrats to ALL – WELL DONE!! Make sure to get your applications for our fall certifications in asp!

Feedback from the riders: Print out and study the current 2016 tests!!! They have changed a bit! Kathy told us many times, but Melissa was surprised that she needed to show a dressage test for the C1 test!! Taken care of the following week thanks to a retest by Jane...also, know what informal and formal attire looks like for each level! D level is different from C level.  Start practicing and studying early! The more practice the better!  Have plenty of liquids on hand to stay hydrated.  When you are going for any rating, be prepared to answer questions from lower levels!!  Review the earlier tests to brush up on that info. When you make a mistake, tell the examiner what the mistake was with confidence and how you can fix it.  They understand as they have been through the ratings too.  Remember to smile and Have FUN!

Emma L Demos Bandaging

Rally Recognition

Our Rally teams blistered in the heat at FVSA June 16th – 19th. Great team work throughout on both scramble teams and St James teams. We MIGHT need a bit of an HM refresher since HM scores weren’t wonderful – but a great time was had by all. Mackenzie (Tetrathlon Girls Intermediate); Mellissa (Tetrathlon Girls Intermediate); Abby (Tetrathlon Girls Novice); Sammi (Junior Games) and Katie (Beginner Novice Eventing); Virginia (Show Jump Developing Rider) all qualified for Championships! Shout out to Jessie – who after a tough time at show jump rally pulled it out at dressage rally to score the highest mark of the day! Sammi will be heading to Championships East in Virginia July 27-31; Tetrathletes Show Jumpers and Eventers will head out to Iowa August 5th – 11th. Anyone wanting to come and watch – let us know!! Lots of transport and accommodation is available – should be fun!

General News

Please send news and results for this section to me during the show season

  • Congrats go out to Ellie Fisher for her new horse; DOUBLE AGENT, AKA Sam!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to meeting him Ellie J
  • Congrats to all current members and alumni who competed (and represented) at the Barrington USEA Event June 24th – June 26th. WOW It was HOT!! Lucia Menozi, Sarah Coltrin, Abby McDowell, Emma States, Katie Loiacono and Lucy Neverly all rocked with ribbons in many divisions!

Do you think Jewel liked the water?

For Sale Items

  • Melissa has tall black riding boot by Ovation for sale, size 8, $75 (retail $150) Nicely broken in!  email:
  • Abby has a black Ariat riding/ dressage coat, size 6L, like new, for sale: $75 email:


Planning is starting for the 2016/7 Pony Club year…If you REALLY want something to happen, let Kathy or Mary K know ASAP!! We are currently re-thinking our Monday night sessions – lots of very tired littles and stressed high schoolers resulting from late nights on Mondays. Seems as if the majority vote is for moving these sessions to Sunday Afternoons during the winter. If you have strong opinions – let us know or FOREVER hold your peace J Check out our FB Page for more photos …………and if anyone wants to TAKE IT ON………..let’s get the WEBSITE UPDATED!!


Success in Pony Club is not about being better than somebody’s about improving yourself and encouraging others!