Newletter - July 2017
Monthly News Letter: Review of June 2017
Month 12 of our newsletter!
Check out our Facebook page ….cute for pictures and news !
Check out our FEATURED MEMBER!!
Please send news snippets (pony club activities, show results, general newsy stuff – for example new horses or ponies, cool experiences, help needed or stuff for sale) and we will do our best to include!
Pictures are always fun – Jpegs work best. IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PONY CLUBBER TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER please send me their email if not already on the distribution list.
June Review
Hugely successful summer D3 and up Certification on June 10 at Richardson Farm with Melanie Kording : Congratulations go out to our new D3s , Jessie , Abbi and Andrea , our new C1 , Emma , and our new C2 , Melissa!
SJPC Schooling Show was Sunday, June 11 at Resurrection Ranch: MUCH FUN was had ….and some GREAT rides !!
Regional Rallies TET Wednesday, June 14th – Sunday June 18th at Fox Valley Saddle Assoc in Hampshire, IL.
GREAT fun was had at rally! Mackenzie and Melissa ROCKED Tetrathlon: and our super show jumping team: Katie , Lucy , Suzanne , Emma , and Olivia overcame some hiccups and came together as a great team !
Melissa and Suzanne are off to Championships to represent the club at Eventing Rally in July!
. Regional C and Up Camp is June 25 – 29, 2017 at Fox Valley Saddle Assoc in Hampshire, IL.
Mackenzie , Lucy , Melissa , Suzanne , Jessie and Andrea had a super time at C Camp. No photos as yet…check FB!
Next SJPC schooling show is Sat, Aug 19th at Res Ranch, open to ALL members with D2 on up invited to participate in a cross-country jump course around the property, too! RSVP to Mary K if you want to help build new jumps and join us for the fun schooling show!
Riley York and Winter
Hi! I'm Riley York and most of you know my pony Winter. I've been hanging around the horse barn since I was 6 months old when my mom used to have someone push me around in a stroller while she rode her horse, Bubba. I had to wait four years before I got to start riding myself. I took my first official riding lesson when I was four years old on a beautiful old mare named Dee Dee. I rode several school horses and ponies after Dee Dee; there was Scooby, Taco, Boo, and Hannah B. Nana. My first horse show was in September of 2013 at Normantown Stables when I was 7 years old and I rode Hannah B. Nana in a leadline class. My mom always thought I would ride Bubba as he got older and I got bigger, but an injury forced him into full retirement. We got Winter in October of 2013. His name was Coconut then, but we changed it to Winter. His official show name is Powder Hound, which his what my ski instructor called me when we went to Colorado one winter and I skied through fresh snow powder.
I joined St. James Pony Club in January of 2014. My mom knew about Pony Club and says she pretty much planned on joining from about the day I was born. I got my D1 certification in June 2014 and I got my D2 certification in June 2015. I plan to go for my D3 certification in October 2017. I competed in Quiz Rally in 2014, 2015 and 2017. I've had so much fun at other St. James activities such as Danada Fall Fest, St. James Family Field Days, Fun Day, D Camp and D Studies.
Outside of Pony Club, Winter and I competed at Baby Barrington, FVSA and Silverwood the last couple years and this year we successfully completed MayDaze Horse Trial at the Kentucky Horse Park. Our next event together is Cobblestone Horse Trial in Ann Arbor, Michigan on July 28-30th.
In the future, I would like to qualify for Pony Club Championships in Eventing. When I am not riding horses or hanging out at the barn, I like to take my dogs, C.J and Luke, for walks and play with my guinea pig, Stella. I also like to run and have completed a lot of 5ks and even 8ks with my mom. Next, I want to do a Spartan kids race!
General News
Please send news and results for this section to our editors during show season! Newsletter Editing team 2017/8 : Jessie and Leslie Stompor and Emma Arndt !!
Here are some of our exceptional riders “out and about” in June: Sarah C WON the Prelim division at Barrington Horse Trials ! Emma S WON the Novice Division at IEA Horse Trials ..and Emma L is our first rider to enjoy the fantastic new facility at Balmoral park !